Kenya Police Salary Scale 2020 Per Month

In this article, we shall briefly let you get acquainted with the latest Kenya Police Salary Scale for 2020 per month. Certainly, the data or figures have not been so much adjusted as compared to the previous year. However, according to our predictions, it’s highly recommended that the police need to be paid even more and better. This is because the Kenya police are doing a great job undoubtedly especially in their line of obligation as assigned. Again, it is very evident in how the Kenya Police are so dedicated to the patriotism and safety of Kenya.

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First of all, the salaries of the Kenya police are virtually based on their hierarchy or order as appointed. Most noteworthy, this is based on several factors before the designation. For example; education levels, years of experience while on service, as well as their current positions.

Some years ago during the millennium eras, the Kenya police had threatened to down their tools due to low payout. However, their plea was well heard and responded to by the State. As a result, their salaries were increased. Moreover, their salaries have been increasing over the years and this has indeed boosted their psych. For sure, the Kenyan citizens do appreciate and love being surrounded by police since safety is 100% ascertained and supported.

In short, below are the Kenya Police Salary Scale per month for the year 2020 before the national budget appropriation. Have a look beneath:-

Kenya Police Salary Scale 2020 Per Month

Inspector-General of PoliceKsh 854,241
Senior Assistant IGPKsh 274,890
Assistant Inspector generalKsh 187,890
Commissioner of Police Ksh 130,590
Senior SuperintendentKsh 85,890
SuperintendentKsh 73,020
Assistant SuperintendentKsh 70,530
Chief Police InspectorKsh 59,220
Inspector of PoliceKsh 53,820
Senior SergeantKsh 50,220
Sergeant Ksh 45,540
Corporal Ksh 42,660
Constable/Fresh GraduateKsh 32,880

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