Kampala Music School Fees Structure 2022

Kampala Music School Fees Structure 2020

Kampala Music School fees structure 2022. Despite the numerous music schools in Uganda, Kampala Music School is among the top-ranked as the best training institution today. Tens of thousands of youths across the country have in the recent past shown their passion for learning music and production skills. Probably, that is the reason why music schools in Uganda are expanding since the admission lists are cumulative. We hope that you also read about the courses offered at Proline Film Academy and Kampala Film School.

In this article, we shall cover on the fees structure for the courses offered at Kampala Music school this academic year.

Kampala Music School Lessons 2022

Certainly, different packages of study are offered for individual classes as well as group sessions. In this order, the instructors can handle the big quorum of students perfectly. Have a look at the lessons of study in Kampala music school beneath.

List of Kampala Music School lessons PDF 2022;

  1. Keyboard Lessons; Piano, Organ
  2. Woodwind Classes: Recorder, Flute, Clarinet, and Saxophone
  3. Mastering of Strings: Violin, Double bass, Cello, Viola, Guitar
  4. Brass Instruments: Trumpet, Euphonium, Trombone
  5. Voice or Vocals Fundamentals
  6. Theory
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In short, the fee structure displayed below encompasses a term of 12 weeks. In other words, this comprises a 12 lesson schedule as per the timetable of the semester or term. Most noteworthy, students are reminded that fees once paid, are none refundable.

It’s good to note that enrollment fees for any course at Kampala Music School is UGX 20,000. Again, Kampala music school accepts fee payment through installments for the interested students upon admission. Have a look at the Kampala Music School fees structure for the year 2022 beneath.

Kampala Music School Fees Structure 2022

  • 30 minute lessons: 240,000/= per term
  • 45 minute lessons: 320,000/= per term
  • 60 minute lessons: 400,000/= per term

Finally, below are the Fees structure for students who can pay through installments for the year 2022.

  • 30 mins: 1 lesson (22,000/=), 4 lessons (88,000/=), 6 lessons (132,000/=)
  • 45 mins: 1 lesson (30,000/=), 4 lessons (120,000/=), 6 lessons (180,000/=), and finally,
  • 60 mins: 1 lesson (38,000/=), 4 lessons (152,000/=), 6 lessons (228,000/=)

Lastly, here are the courses offered at Esom School of Music in Uganda in 2022.


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