How To Join Recce Squad GSU in Kenya 2022

How To Join Recce Squad GSU in Kenya 2022

A brief introduction on who Recce Squad are and How To Join Recce GSU in Kenya 2022.

Firstly, many Kenyans have heard and likely praised the work of one of the best Kenya special forces unit – Recce Squad. However, the majority of Kenyans do not know what the word “Recce” means. Recce is a term used to define a specialized tactical unit within the security forces.

In Kenya, the Recce company, commonly referred to as Recce squad, is an elite special unit of the General Service Unit branch of the National Police Service that is based in Ruiru. Most Kenyans did not know much about Recce squad until recently. Indeed, the Recce squad has made headline news because of their quick response to terror attacks in several spots in Kenya.

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For example, during the terror attack at Westgate, Westlands Nairobi, the Recce squad were at the center of the rescue operations. Again, the Recce squad were deployed to rescue students during the Garissa University terror attack in April 2015. In fact, there are many other incidences of insecurity that this elite unit has helped neutralize. Sadly, a number of Recce members have lost their lives in the line of fire during these rescue missions.

Despite the risks and the intensity of the work involved in being a Recce squad member, some would love to be part of such a special team in Kenya. For those who would like to know what it takes to be in the Recce squad, we will briefly explain below how to join Recce Squad GSU in Kenya.

How To Join Recce Squad GSU in Kenya 2022

First of all, Recce is a branch of the General Service Unit (GSU). This means that one must be a GSU member to join the Recce squad rescue team. Those who join Recce must be GSU recruits who have an excellent record and have extraordinary abilities in their work as soldiers.

Therefore, any dream of becoming part of Recce begins with meeting the requirements to join the National Police Service. The basic requirements include:

Must be a Kenyan citizen.

Must be 19 and 31 years of age

Have successfully completed High school.

Must be male.

No criminal record

Again, before proceeding to the recruitment stage, you have to undergo intensive training and get certified for the job.

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Qualified and shortlisted candidates undergo more training within and outside Kenya. For example, training in countries like the US, UK, as well as in Israel. During this period, these police officers train in rescue missions and operations, explosives handling, VIP protection, security gadgets installation, and many more roles.

In summary, we have to say that it undertakes lots of special training to gain a rank of a Recce Officer in Kenya.


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