Kampala Polytechnic Mengo Courses & Fees Structure 2022

Kampala Polytechnic Mengo Short Certificate Courses 2022

Kampala Polytechnic Mengo Courses & Fees Structure 2022

The Kampala Polytechnic Mengo learning Institution is one of the best places to study Diploma and Certificate courses in Uganda 2022. This is because the certificate courses are tailored for specialization in several hands-on taskforce skills in the job market. The Kampala Polytechnic Mengo is a major private vocational institute in Uganda that offers Diplomas, short courses as well as certificate programs. The course study duration is 2 years and 1 year respectively since the programs comprise Part 1 and part 2.

In summary, we shall list all the certificate courses offered at the Kampala Polytechnic Mengo for the 2022 2022 academic year. Have a look beneath;

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Kampala Polytechnic Mengo Certificate Courses 2022

Certificate in Construction

In this course, students gain skills and the knowledge to become masons as well as associates in building and construction. Also, one is eligible to pursue a National Diploma in Building and Civil Engineering or National Diploma in Architecture upon completion.

National Certificate in Electronics technology

The certificate course in Electronics Technology enables one to become an electronics technician. Likewise, students attain sufficient practical skills in the maintenance and repair of electronic devices. Moreover, it’s one of the requirements for those who may wish to pursue a National Diploma in Electrical Engineering in the future.

National Certificate in Electrical Systems and Maintenance

Here, students acquire practical skills in the technology of electricity, electrical installation, and maintenance. Similarly, it’s applicable to those who may wish to pursue a National Diploma in Electrical Engineering upon completion.

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National Certificate in Auto Mechanics

For those intending to become specialists in motor Vehicle Mechanics and Technicians, this is the best certificate course to study. Again, an individual is eligible to purse National Diploma in Mechanical Engineering in the future upon completion. 

National Certificate in Plumbing

Finally, for those interested to become plumbing and water & sanitation technicians, this is the best certification program. Likewise, it’s a gateway for students who may wish to pursue a National Diploma course in Uganda. For example; Diploma in Building and Civil Engineering, National Diploma in Architecture, as well as National Diploma in water engineering.

Kampala Polytechnic Mengo Courses & Fees Structure 2022

Again, we discussed and listed in a more detailed and comprehensive approach, the short courses at KPM. This is a brief highlight of the short courses at Kampala Polytechnic Mengo. Have a look at the short courses listed in the picture below. However, for a detailed list of the currently offered short courses and fee structure for 2022, check here.

Kampala Polytechnic Mengo Fees Structure 2022

Diploma Courses at Kampala Polytechnic

Just as we mentioned above on the certificate courses, interested individuals must have obtained certificate awards in respective courses. Another option is that an individual needs to have attained the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (U.A.C.E) qualification. On the other hand, the courses are offered in various sessions. For example; day programs, evening, as well as weekend programs. Finally, the study period for each of these courses is two years that count into four semesters.

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KPM National Diploma in:-

Finally, Kampala Polytechnic Mengo offers Higher Diploma courses in three fields. Most importantly, the minimum entry requirement for the Higher Diploma courses is a National Diploma in the relevant fields.

KPM Higher National Diploma courses in:

  • Civil Engineering (Building & Civil Engineering) (HNDCE).
  • Mechanical Engineering (HNDME).
  • Electrical Engineering (HNDEE).

Kampala Polytechnic Mengo Fees Structure 2022

Kampala Polytechnic Mengo Fees Structure for Higher Diploma, National Diploma, and Certificate Courses 2022.

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