KomeshaCorona: Covid19Kenya Coronavirus in Kenya Now

KomeshaCorona: Covid19Kenya Coronavirus in Kenya Government Directives today and now that you should know.
As Kenya continues to heighten precautions on Coronavirus disease, the CS of health has released new safety measures. According to Cabinet Secretary of Health Mutahi Kagwe, the number of new infections has not added up from seven. Likewise, several individuals who were isolated have been set free by the various isolation health facilities in Kenya.

However, he asked Kenyans to be observant in all aspects of their day-to-day activities. In addition, the public transport vehicles shall be carrying fewer passengers than before. Similarly, recreational joints like bars and night clubs will be closing by 7:30pm from Monday 23rd of March.

KomeshaCorona: Covid19Kenya Coronavirus in Kenya Now

Below is a full list of the Coronavirus Updates in Kenya today by the CS of health Mutahi Kagwe. Most importantly, the directives are the most significant for safety especially during this epidemic outbreak moment in the World 2020. We also hope that you are following the coronavirus global outbreak announcements globally.

Also Read:  10 Ways To Prevent the spread of Coronavirus Covid-19

KomeshaCorona: Covid19Kenya Coronavirus in Kenya Now Government Directives

  1. Bars and entertainment joints to close at 7.30pm effective Monday 23rd March 2020.
  2. Bars have to ensure social distancing is adhered to all the times.
  3. Introduce home deliveries where possible.
  4. Supermarkets to limit number of shoppers at any given time based on premise size.
  5. A queue management system where the elderly, expectant and the disabled will be given preference.
  6. Supermarkets encouraged to operate for 24hours (will be provided with security where possible).
  7. One person at a time shopping policy i.e. leave your children at a home when you go to shop.
  8. Management of open-air markets asked to ensure the area is disinfected thoroughly.
  9. Goods should be placed on raised platforms.
  10. 14-seater matatu to carry a maximum of 8 passengers.
  11. 25-seater matatu to carry a maximum of 15 passengers.
  12. 30-seater and above should only carry a maximum of 60% of the total capacity (this applies to SGR).
  13. Matatus should be disinfected at the end of the day.
  14. Employees should be encouraged to work from home. And finally,
  15. Those at the office should also maintain some distance from one another.
Also Read:  Coronavirus Latest Live Briefings Today and Everyday

25th & 27th March Coronavirus Updates in Kenya

  1. Nominated Senator Millicent Omanga to take a 60% pay cut.
  2. Embakasi East MP Babu Owino to donate 50% of his salary to fight Coronavirus.
  3. Nairobi: Health CEC Hitan Majevdia says he will take a 50% pay cut.
  4. Kitui: Catholic priest who returned from Italy on Monday flouts self-quarantine rules, visits supermarket and ATM.
  5. Medical Experts, Kenya Power, and ICT staff not affected by the curfew.
  6. Supermarkets, mini-markets, and hypermarkets allowed to operate past 7 p.m.
  7. Security firms, firefighters, and emergency response services to operate as normal.
  8. Licensed broadcasters and media houses categorised as essential services.
  9. Licensed banks, financial institutions, and payment financial services are unaffected by curfew.
  10. Food dealers, distributors, wholesalers and transporters of farm produce allowed to operate past curfew.
  11. Licensed pharmacists and drug stores to operate till 10 pm.
  12. Social distancing is now our new norm – President Uhuru Kenyatta.
  13. Kenya to receive another Ksh13B before 10th April.
  14. Additional Ksh10 billion allocated to the elderly, orphans and other vulnerable Kenyans through Inua Jamii.
  15. Resident Income Tax (Corporation Tax) reduced from 30% to 25%.
  16. Parliament to reconvene & pass economic changes announced.
  17. Kenya Ferry Services put under the National Police Service and National Government officers.
  18. Daily curfew: 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. beginning Friday, except for critical and essential service providers.
  19. All state staff with pre-existing medical conditions to take leave or work from home, except for the security sector.
  20. Cabinet Secretaries take a 30% pay cut, CASs to take a 30% pay cut; PSs – 20%.
  21. Uhuru,65o take a 80% pay cut.
  22. Reduction of VAT from 16% to 14% effective 1st April.
  23. CRB listing suspended effective April 1.
  24. President announces 100% tax relief for individuals earning less than Ksh 24,000, 25% for others. 
  25. President Kenyatta announces 3 more confirmedCOVIDd-19 cases, 1 recovery.
Also Read:  Coronavirus Deaths in Kenya: Covid-19 in Kenya Now

NEW Government Briefing Today on Coronavirus in Kenya

The total number of infected Kenyans rises from 18 to 21.


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