The Top Coronavirus News This Week 20th – 26th

Tuesday 21st April 2020 – Below is the latest news update about the Coronavirus world pandemic for today and this week from 20th to 26th. Have a look at the latest reports below.

Trump says he will temporarily discontinue migration through it’s borders.

Bank of Spain: Spain GDP to fall by up to 13 6% in 2020

France fourth country to cross the 20,000 deaths threshold after the US, Italy, and Spain.

UK deaths rise by 449 to 16,509.

Italy current cases fall for the first time.

Denmark to allow public gatherings of up to 500 people from Thursday 23rd April 2020.

Turkey to impose 4 days lockdown from Thursday.

UN member states demand equitable access.

Angela Merkel: The more transparent China is on virus, the better for all.

WHO says currently not possible to determine whether China are responsible for the cause and spread of coronavirus.

Columbia extends local lockdown to May 11th 2020.

Finally, we also have a comprehensive article on the latest Coronavirus map Worldwide as it’s happening right now. If you want to stay up to date, make sure you bookmark or add this link to your speed dials: Coronavirus Map Worldwide.

Also Read:  10 Ways To Prevent the spread of Coronavirus Covid-19

Coronavirus Headlines Across The World Top Countries.

Wednesday, 22nd April

  • Ireland bans gatherings of over 5,000 people until the end of August.
  • Prime Minister Boris Johnson to have talks with Donald Trump and Queen Elizabeth II.
  • More than 2,000 people dead in the United States in the past 24 hours (John Hopkins University).
  • United States: Senate approves $480 billion pandemic relief plan.
  • Trump says immigration suspension to last for up to 60 days.
  • China reports 30 new coronavirus cases in mainland.

More: The Top Coronavirus News Today & This Week 20th-26th

Thursday 23rd April 2020

Today, the biggest threat across the world is the collapse or downfall of crude oil prices. However, during a press briefings in early April, Trump confirmed that he will mediate negotiations between Saudi Arabia and Russia.

  • WHO: Virus will be with us for a long time.
  • UK: Over 69 medical staff have died of Covid-19.
  • German approves first trial of Covid-19 vaccine.
  • Poland records over 10,000 new Coronavirus cases.
  • POLAND: Hotels across the country may be set to open up and operate from May 16th.
  • Ukraine extends lock down till May 11th 2020.
  • Russia confirmed cases hit 58,000.
  • UNITED STATES: Over 2,700 reported dead in the last 24hrs.
  • IRAN: US should concentrate on saving the military against contracting Coronavirus.
  • Donald Trump to sign bill prohibiting the immigrants to the United States.
  • South Africa set to deploy more troops in fight against the spread of Coronavirus.
  • HONG KONG: Government cabinet reshuffle aimed to boost the fight against Coronavirus.
  • INDONESIA: Social and physical distancing measures extended to May 15th 2020.
Also Read:  Coronavirus Deaths in Kenya: Covid-19 in Kenya Now

Friday 24th April 2020

  • South Africa to begin phased easing of lockdown from May 1st, 2020.
  • UEFA: Women’s Euro 2021 tournament moved to July 2022.
  • EU leaders give officials until May 8 to formulate a virus recovery plan.
  • France to unveil lockdown exit plan before May 1st, 2020.
  • GOVERNMENT: Return to school in France to be on a voluntary basis.
  • Czech government lifts ban on travel abroad.
  • UK Prime Minister expected to be back at work before 1st May 2020.
  • The UK to expand testing to cover all primary employees.
  • US weekly jobless claims 4.4 million. And finally,
  • US House approves a new $483 billion Coronavirus stimulus bill.
Also Read:  Coronavirus Worldwide Map Today Live Updates

Saturday 25th April 2020

  • Donald Trump: I spoke sarcastically about injecting disinfectants to kill the virus.
  • Donald Trump signs a $484 billion aid bill aimed at employees and hospitals under pandemic pressure.
  • IMF, World Trade Organization warns export restrictions on medical tools, foods,
  • The UK will hold a global vaccine summit on June 4th, 2020. Similarly, the UK to trial drones for the delivery of medical supplies.
  • The UK says little progress made with the EU in the second quarter of the credit.
  • BRAZIL: Justice Minister Sergio Moro regions over false accusations against Police Officer.
  • FRANCE, PARIS: Public transport expected to gradually resume from 11th May 2020.
  • New North America trade deal to commence on the 1st of July 2020.
  • FRANCE: Amazon to extend the closure of its warehouse in France until 29th April 2020.
  • BELGIUM: Businesses and schools to reopen gradually from mid-May 2020.

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