List of Police County Commanders in Kenya 2022

Before retirement, Inspector General of Police Joseph Boinnet reshuffled the Kenya administration police regional commanders in the 47 counties. Certainly, this took place in January 2019, with 6 women appointed for the top commander jobs. Today, we shall provide the list of the new regional County Police Commanders in Kenya from the year 2021 to 2022.

Some of the powerful leaders in Kenya like Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i were present during the police function. CS Matiang’i said that the new county commanders in Kenya were based on the police performances and their role capabilities. Below is a part of the statement by the Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i during the function.

“In our rank of county commissioners, we should have more lady county commissioners as we go along and I would like to urge the deputy county commissioners in the field that we are hunting for more county commissioners. No one working in the media in Kenya should feel frustrated or should have any problem working in the Country.”

On the other hand, Information and Communications CS, Joe Mucheru, told the County commissioners to work closely with media agencies.
In summary, below is a list of the regional or county police commanders in Kenya in 2022 today. Have a look beneath.

List of Police County Commanders in Kenya 2022

1.) Marcus Ochola – Mombasa
2.) Benson Musembi Maweu – Kisumu
3.) Jackson B. Tumwet – Nairobi
4.) Naomi Nzilani Ichami – Bomet
5.) Adiel N. Nyange – Kiambu
6.) Joseph M. Nthenge – Migori
7.) Francis K. Sang – Bungoma
8.) James K. Mugera – Kericho
9.) Dr. Gedion G. Ngumi – Nyandarua
10.) Perminus M. Nyaga – Lamu
11.) Ayub Gitonga Ali – Trans Nzoia
12.) Joseph Napeiyan – Makueni
13.) Hassan R. Barua – Vihiga
14.) Patrick Okeri – Kilifi
15.) Fredrick O. Ochieng – Tana River
16.) Ali Nuno Dubat – Nyeri
17.) Stephen K. Ngetich – Wajir
18.) Augustine Nthumbi – Uasin Ngichu
19.) Leah Kithei Ngutu – Kirinyaga
20.) Catherine W. Mugwe – Nyamira
21.) Tom Mboya Odero – Kwale
22.) Matthew K. Kuto – West Pokot
23.) Beatrice Gachago – Kajiado
24.) Josephat Kinyua – Murang’a
25.) Lydia Adama Ligamba – Kitui
26.) Adan Hassan Yunis – Narok
27.) Martin Kibet – Kisii
28.) Daniel I. Rukunga – Embu
29.) Charles Mbatu – Tharaka Nithi
30.) Patrick O. Ombura – Meru
31.) Maxwell K. Nyaema – Laikipia
32.) Joseph Kigen – Isiolo
33.) John D. Muiruri – Samburu
34.) Francis Kooli – Siaya
35.) Samuel Ndanyi – Turkana
36.) Jeremiah Kossiom – Mandera
37.) Robinson C. Ndiwa – Baringo
38.) John Nyoike – Busia
39.) Alfred O. Angengo – Garissa
40.) Saidi Mohamed – Taita Taveta
41.) Stephen M. Matu – Nakuru
42.) Esther Seroney – Homa Bay
43.) Mohamed F. Maalim – Machakos
44.) Stephen Oloo – Marsabit
45.) Kenneth Irungu Kimani – Elgeyo Marakwet
46.) Thomas C. Ngeiywa – Nandi. And finally,
47.) Wilkister Vera – Kakamega


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