Most Powerful Women in The World 2021 Forbes Top 20 List

This is a guide list of Forbes Top 20 Most Powerful Women in The World in 2021.

First of all, there are several influential and powerful women in the world today. In this article, we focus on the Forbes list of the top 20 most powerful women in the world in 2021. Certainly, most of the powerful women for 2021 are currently major players in the area of business, philanthropy, and politics. A number of these women have overcome enormous challenges to become who they are today in terms of leadership and financial counterbalance.

Similarly, many of them have used their influence strategically to effect changes in some of the world’s most powerful organizations and government structures. Likewise, some of these most powerful women in the world for 2021 are billionaires and have diverse business investments. Furthermore, some of them use their money, positions, and influence to help the poor as well as to empower other women.

Who is the Most Powerful Woman in the World?

The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, who’s been in office since 2005, still holds the first position in Forbes most powerful women in the world for 2021. She takes the first position because she has been trying to keep the European Coalition intact and in good terms.

Also Read:  Richest Countries in The World 2022 Forbes Top 10 List

Rather, despite not having the power to determine the day-to-day function of the UK government, Queen Elizabeth II still stands at the 10 most powerful women for 2021.

In summary, below is a list of top 20 Forbes World’s Most Powerful Women in The World 2021. Furthermore, the list is a recap of the Forbes most influential women in the world for 2021.

Top 20 Most Powerful Women In The World 2021: Forbes

1Angela MerkelChancellor, Germany
2Melinda GatesPhilanthropist, US
3Mary BarraCEO, General Motors, US
4Ginny RomettyCEO, IBM, US
5Queen Elizabeth IIUnited Kingdom
6Jacinda ArdernPrime Minister, New Zealand
7Isabel Dos SantosBusinesswoman, Angola
8Mette FrederiksenPrime Minister, Denmark
9Laurene Powell JobsBusinesswoman, US
10Abigail JohnsonCEO, Fidelity Investments, US
11Melania TrumpFirst Lady, US
12Christine LagardeChairman, IMF
13Marillyn HewsonCEO, Lockheed Martin, US
14Gina RinehartChairman, Hancock Prospecting, Australia
15Ana Patricia BotínChairman, Santander Group, Spain
16Karen PritzkerInvestor, Philanthropist, US
17Sheryl SandbergChief Operating Officer, Facebook
18Ho ChingCEO, Temasek Holdings, Singapore
19Ruth Bader GinsburgSupreme Court Justice, US
20Susan WojcickiCEO, YouTube

Lastly, if you missed our previous post, here are the 10 most powerful men in the world in 2022.


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