Best Most-Watched TV Station Shows in Uganda 2021 LIST

Best Most-watched TV Stations Shows in Uganda 2019 2020 LIST

Most individuals have been asking these questions, “what is the best television station in Uganda?” And “how many television broadcast stations does Uganda have?” Currently, Uganda has over 250 broadcast stations both for TV and Radio stations that are active countrywide. In this article, we shall list the Top 10 Best and Most-watched TV Station Shows in Uganda 2021.

First of all, The media industry is one of the most booming businesses across the country. This is because there are several opportunities for making money. These include advertising of products, marketing of firms, affiliate and many more. Hence, with a huge fan base, the audience reached is very broad indeed.

Over the past few years, numerous broadcasting TV stations have been launched in Uganda and are gaining massive audiences. This is because they air TV programs that suit the current generation. Previously, NTV Uganda, Bukedde TV, and NBS TV were the only TV stations that were the talk of the nation. This is because they had well-experienced presenters and reporters, worth the content for the audience and high-quality image.

On the other hand, UBC TV also existed however, it didn’t have fans since it is a government-sponsored station. Due to the stiff competition, other Television stations like WBS were forced to shut down. Hence, this paved way for TV stations like ABS, Kwese Free TV, Salt Television, BBS Terefayina, Spark, and Standard Television.

Furthermore, the recent TV Stations in Uganda emerged with very interesting TV shows and programs that attracted many fans. This enables fans to identify the best station(s) that also enables us to identify the most-watched TV station in Uganda today. Below is a list of the Top 10 Best and Most-Watched TV station/stations and Shows in Uganda in 2021.

List of Top 10 Best & Most-Watched TV Station Shows in Uganda 2021

  1. NTV Akawungeezi (NTV Uganda).
  2. NBS Extra (One on One with Tamale Mirundi (NBS TV).
  3. Agataliiko Nfuufu (Bukedde TV).
  4. Mwasuze Mutya (NTV Uganda).
  5. NBS Frontline (NBS TV).
  6. NBS Live at 9 (NBS TV).
  7. Emikolo n’embaga (Bukedde TV, NBS TV, DELTA TV).
  8. Live Wire (Spark TV).
  9. NBS After 5 (NBS TV). And,
  10. Abanoonya (Bukedde TV).
Also Read:  How to Get a Passport e-Passport in Uganda 2022 Online

Finally, here are the Top 10 best and most listened to Radio stations in Uganda 2021 and their rankings.


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