Best Taxi Hailing Companies in East Africa 2022

Top 5 Best Taxi Hailing Companies in East Africa

Boarding public transport vehicles or trains can sometimes be hectic especially when there is a long queue. Today, there are many corporate cabs hailing companies that have emerged and become the best priority for transport in East Africa. Certainly, this has eased up the congestion in bus stations, terminus, and so on. In this article, we shall list the top 5 best taxi hailing companies in East Africa in 2022 today.

First, we have to say that all the main cities in East Africa have taxi-hailing companies. For example, Dar es Salaam, Nairobi, Kampala, Kigali, and many more. With the increasing population in the main cities, the demand for transport through hailing companies is also high. As a result, most of these companies are making thousands of cash every day.

Best Taxi Companies in East Africa

Besides, corporate cabs in Kenya use the transport apps in order to make it easier for their clients to book the taxi. The same applies to other East African countries with the taxi-hailing companies. In summary, below is a list of the top 5 best taxi hailing companies in East Africa in 2022.

Best Taxi Hailing Companies in East Africa Today

  1. Uber. Uber is the 1st in the top 5 best taxi-hailing companies in East Africa that was first launched in Nairobi in the year 2015. Today, Uber has branches in Uganda, Tanzania, Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa, and many other countries.
  2. Bolt. Bolt is an Estonian transport platform company (Taxify) that was founded in Estonia. The hailing company in East Africa was first launched in Nairobi in the year 2016 after Uber and Mondo. Later on, it launched other branches in Dar es Salaam as well as in Kampala in the year 2017. Bolt is the cheapest taxi company in Kenya in 2022.
  3. Safeboda. It is probably the mother of all motor-cycle businesses especially in Uganda since it was launched in 2013. After 4 years, Safeboda was also launched in Nairobi after a financial boost of $1.2 million by some investing companies.
  4. Mondo Ride. It’s the 4th in the top 5 best hailing companies in East Africa today. Mondo is a Dubai-based company with East African branches in Nairobi, Kampala, and Dar es Salaam. Most importantly, it operates both Cabs as well as motorcycle services.
  5. Little. It’s the 5th in the top 5 list of the best hailing companies in East Africa. Little was first launched in Nairobi in 2016 after a financial boost from Safaricom ICT company before expanding to Kampala, Dar es Salaam, and Kigali. It’s the only company that is stiffly competing with Uber right now.

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