Rashid Echesa Education Background Biography & Wikipedia

In this article, we shall cover on Rashid Mohammed Echesa education background, biography, profile and Wikipedia. Similarly, we shall enlighten you on Rashid Echesa cv relating to his kcpe education news that you didn’t know.

First of all, Rashid Mohammed Echesa is a former Sports and Heritage Cabinet Secretary who was nominated or appointed by President Uhuru Kenyatta. Certainly, Rashid Echesa was publicly announced a Cabinet Secretary on the 26th of January 2018. Below is a review of Rashid Echesa education background, cv, biography, and Wikipedia.

Rashid Echesa Education Background

Rashid Echesa studied at Shibale primary school from 1990 to 1997. However, he dropped out of school during this period due to a lack of school fees. The report was revealed during his vetting by the Committee of Appointments in Kenya‘s top government seats. Most importantly, the sitting was chaired by the Speaker of the National Assembly or parliament of Kenya Mr. Justin Muturi. In addition, the former CS also acted as the national youth chairman of the ODM opposition party of Kenya.

According to the wrap-up decision by the appointment committee, this is what they said. Have a look beneath;

“That though his academic credentials show that he only underwent basic formal education, his professional training and experience in sports and entrepreneurial and resource mobilisation are impressive.”

As a result, Rashid Echesa managed to secure his appointment as the Cabinet Secretary of Sports and Heritage in Kenya. However, Rashid Mohammed Echesa was fired during a reshuffle of the Cabinet Secretaries in Kenya on the 1st of March 2019. Hence, Amina Mohammed was officially announced as the new Cabinet Secretary of the Sports and Heritage docket.

Finally, most of the news outlets have also uncovered about Rashid Echesa education background biography & Wikipedia. For example, The school dropout at the center of Sh39b gun scandal.

Additional, Rashid Achesa dropped out of school, but suitable for Sports CS job.


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