Cheruto Rop Biography Education Chebet Tahidi High

Cheruto Rop Biography Education Chebet Tahidi High

Chamgei FM presenters are a few of the best vernacular radio station hosts in Kenya right now. This is because of the massive audience reception received by the media house as compared to its competitors. In this article, we shall cover Chamgei FM presenter Cheruto Rop Chebet of Tahidi High biography, education, and salary.

In our previous article, we discussed about Chamgei FM radio presenter Carol Kones. Likewise, we had a comprehensive article about the lifestyle of Chamgei FM radio presenter Caroline Chepng’eno. We hope that you are now familiar with the favorite presenters of Chamgei FM as we continue with Cheruto Rop.

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First, Cheruto Rop hosts a daybreak sabbath show called “Ngeet Kakoech” every Saturday. Similarly, she also hosts a Sunday sunup gospel show named “Ongitoror”. Both the shows have been so successful because of her enthusiasm for the Gospel of Jesus. Above all, she is a humble, optimistic, and respectable lady who likes sharing ideas and working with other people.

Secondly, Cheruto Rop is also an actress in Citizen TV programme Tahidi High with a theater name ‘Chebet’. Besides, she has also appeared in several episodes of Inspekta Mwala as one of the actresses.

Cheruto Rop Chebet Tahidi High Education

Last but not least, Cheruto Rop aka Chebet of Tahidi High is a public and motivational speaker. Cheruto Rop holds a diploma in Mass Communication and Journalism. Additionally, she also holds a Bachelors Degree in Communication and Public Relations. Indeed, journalism and mass communication is one of the most marketable diploma courses in Kenya today.

Finally, Cheruto Rop is one of the most experienced journalists in Royal Media Services. This is due to the fact that she has been a radio presenter from the year 2012 to 2020 today. Before joining Royal Media Services, chebet was working at Kenya News Agency.
In order to connect with Cheruto Rop Chebet, kindly follow her through the social media channels listed below.

Facebook: Cheruto Kilanya
Twitter: @cheruto_rop
Instagram: @cheruto Rop


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