List of Top 10 Steogict Quotes 2022

Here is a list of the top 10 quotes by Steogict, ICT Mage from the year 2021 to 2022. Steogict quotes are frequent aphorisms put down by the developer, architect, and content moderator of the website Ugwire or

In this article, we shall list the top 10 quotes written by Steogict, an ICT and digital marketing strategist from Kenya. Based on true happenings in day-to-day life, these quotes may enlighten you on how to overcome some schemes in life.

But before we jump to that section, we hope that you are now familiar with Steogict website, Ugwire Media Networks (UMN).

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So, what are some of the quotes by Steogict in the current year or the most recent times? Below is a list of the top 10 inspirational and stirring quotes by Steogict from the year 2021 to 2022.

List of Top 10 Steogict Quotes 2022

  1. Technology is a dangerous pilot but a reasonable newlywed.
  2. Sometimes, the clock is ticking of hardship as a punishment because of the inside unworthy pride and the unseen evil mind.
  3. The potential God gave you is unlimited, only you can explore it but in a positive manner.
  4. The good thing in life is that whereas we have those attempting to enter, the most important are those exiting. Steogict – ICT MAGE. Quote of the day, 4th September 2021.
  5. God is doing phenomena every day. The jealous are stressed of the same.
  6. Change prevails to be the hardest thing to take place and most notably, for people to accept. Why? Because change is always accompanied by defeat, low trust, loss of status and visibility to some people, enviousness, and so on. But at the end of the day, we have to accept the reality and move on.
  7. It’s worth thinking about yourself rather than having jealousy about someone else’s success. You don’t know what they went through to make them whom they are today or right now.
  8. It’s ok to envy but not all that glitters is Gold. Why? Being envious of others is a characterization of obsession and predicament or catastrophe of failure.
  9. Nothing is as useless as trying to devaluate someone by wiggling facts of happenings to go viral then it fails totally.
  10. Instead of trying to jeopardize my job, just KEEP OFF!!
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