Politician With 9 Relatives Cries After Getting 5 Votes

According to latest reports, an independent political candidate from the Indian state of Punjab managed to make himself known around the world. This folows after a video of him crying went viral on the internet. In the clip, he’s seen telling a news reporter that he only received five votes despite having nine family members. Politician With 9 Relatives Cries After Getting 5 Votes

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But another surprise happened: Neetu Shutteran Wala, a relatively unknown politician who ran as independent in the city of Jalandhar, had a meteoric rise to meme status.

In an interview with a local reporter, Shutteran Wala broke down in tears as he revealed that despite having nine family members, he had only gotten five votes. However, the emotional politician said he did not blame his relatives, but election fraud.

Politician With 9 Relatives Cries After Getting 5 Votes

As it turns out, probably his family voted for him as the final tally of votes revealed Neetu Shutteran Wala got 856 votes. This is because Shutteran Wala was interviewed while the votes were still being counted. Hence, there is a possibility that at the time he only had five votes.

Still, the man’s family felt obligated to issue a public statement confirming their support: “He has complete support from the family and everyone voted for him,” Shutteran Wala’s brother told a reporter.

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