List of all The 17 Sub Counties in Nairobi County

Nairobi County

First of all, the Sub Counties in Nairobi County total to 17 in number. Above all, Nairobi is the capital city of Kenya. Despite its small in size, Nairobi County has a greater population of about 3,450,000 people as of 2022 today. Furthermore, it covers an area of 69491 Kilometers squared. Certainly, Nairobi ranks first in the list of counties with the highest number of sub-counties (constituencies) nationwide at seventeen (17). It’s further divided into 85 electoral wards.

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In this article, we shall list all the constituencies in Nairobi since the implementation of the new constitution in 2010. It’s good to note that each sub County has a representative in the parliament.

Babu Owino is the most popular and vibrant members of Parliament in Nairobi County. Furthermore, Babu Owino is the most influential politician in Nairobi County in 2022 right now.

In summary, below is a list of the 17 sub-counties in the capital of Kenya;

Nairobi Sub Counties list

  1. Dagoretti North ​​sub County
  2. Dagoretti South ​​sub County
  3. Embakasi Central ​​sub County
  4. Embakasi East ​​sub County
  5. Embasaki South ​​sub County
  6. Embakasi North ​​sub County
  7. Embakasi West ​​sub County
  8. Kamukunji ​​sub County
  9. Kasarani ​​sub County
  10. Kibra​​ ​​sub County
  11. Langata ​​sub County
  12. Makadara ​​sub County
  13. Mathare ​​sub-County
  14. Roysambu​​ sub-County
  15. Ruaraka​​​​ ​​sub-County
  16. Starehe​​ ​​sub-County. And finally,
  17. Westlands​​ ​​sub-County
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