Man fined Sh5000 for Teasing Married Woman

A 26-year-old man was charged and fined sh5000 for teasing a married woman. The incident occurred at Igare market, Nyaribari Chache in Kisii County on Friday Morning. 

First of all, Amos, a bodaboda rider was accused of seducing Agnes Ogeto, a trader at itumbe market. Rather, Area Nyumba Kumi Chairman Robert Nyarang’o said Mrs. Ogeto reported the matter to them. 

“The woman complained to me about Mosoti’s efforts to have sexual relations with her. However, she feared that if her husband finds out, she will be chased away. Hence, she asked me to warn him to leave her alone,” said Nyarang’o. 

“I asked Amos to meet the elders and he agreed not knowing he had a case to answer. Appearing before the elders, Amos admitted that he has been trying to woo Ogeto. He, however, noted that the woman had not accepted the man’s request,” he added. 

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Man fined Sh5000 for Teasing Married Woman

According to Nyarang’o, Mosoti begged for forgiveness but the elders fined him Sh5,000 as punishment. Andrew Ongoro, one of the elders, praised Agnes for refusing to have an extramarital affair with Amos.

“Women should follow Agnes’ example for the sake of realizing strong marriages,” said Ongoro. Finally, area chief Henry Nyang’au warned Amos against seducing married women. 


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