Gas Cylinders Truck Accident in Gwa-Kairu Ruiru

Gas cylinders truck involved in an accident in Gwa-Kairu Ruiru along Thika road.

According to tales by Gwa-kairu or Kwa Kairu residents in Ruiru, a lorry transporting gas cylinders was involved in an accident. The incident happened right opposite the Kenyatta University Ruiru campus, next to Ola energy petrol station (formerly Oilibya petrol station).

As a result, movement of vehicles along the busy Thika road to Nairobi and Thika town came to a standstill. The incident occurred at about 5:30 pm on Sunday evening, 5th, July 2020. However, the traffic police from Ruiru police station arrived on tone to examine the incident. Similarly, the presence of the police eased traffic jam along Thika road in Nairobi.

Last but not least, it’s not the first time that an accident happens along Thika road especially in Ruiru. Certainly, Gwa-Kairu locality has become a hot spot for numerous mishaps involving PSV automobiles and trucks. In 2012, Kenyatta University students proposed for construction of a footbridge in order to connect both sides of the road.

Finally, the cause of the accident that involved a truck transporting gas cylinders in Gwa-Kairu in Ruiru is under investigation. Also, no casualties were reported in the mishap.

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