Best-paying Companies in Kenya 2022 Top 10 List

List of the top 10 Best-paying Companies To Work For in Kenya 2022. Today, there are several best companies to work for in Kenya that have been established over the past decade. Certainly, most of the best-paying companies in Kenya in 2022 are private, tech, audit firms, and parastatals.

Individuals employed by the best paying private companies in Kenya in 2022 earn over USD 1000 per month. Even though the prominent manufacturing companies collapsed some years ago, they are under revitalization. This is under the Uhuru Kenyatta government that’s focused on job creation for the thousands of unemployed graduates in Kenya.

We have to say that Kenya has advanced in terms of technology and communication networks. This is because most firms use computer systems to carry out their day-to-day operations. As a result, graduates with computer program skills are most advantaged especially when employed by big companies. However, it’s contrary since over 80 percent of graduates who studied computer-related courses are still unemployed in Kenya.

First of all, there are several best-paying audit firms and tech companies in Kenya in 2022 right now. In contrast, we found out that several of the best paying tech companies in Kenya operated with only 3-5 computer specialists. For example, a System Administrator, Web Developer, ICT Technician, and a secretary or data entry clerk. On the other hand, you find that the firm has over 100 employees. It’s important to note that Safaricom ranked number 1 in the list of the top 10 best-paying companies to work for in Kenya 2022.

Certainly, many alterations and changes do occur repeatedly on the feasibility studies done and the objectives of different firms or companies.

Top 10 Best-paying Companies in Kenya 2022

Safaricom Telecommunications Company. Safaricom is the best paying company in Kenya today and in 2022. This is because the human resource by specialized ICT experts is more advanced and meets their requirements.

East Africa Breweries Limited. EABL is the best-paying manufacturing company in Kenya today.

Kenya Pipeline Limited

Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen)

Centum Investment Company

Kenya Airways


Kenya Power and Lighting Company

Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), and finally,

General Motors (Toyota). It’s the 10th in the list of top 10 best-paying companies in Kenya in 2022.


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