Fake Gold in Kilimani Nairobi County Seized By DCI Police Unit

According to latest crime happenings in Nairobi, DCI police managed to seize fake gold in Kilimani estate Nairobi. Also, police managed to seize other contraband goods during the raid in Kilimani house, Nairobi County. Above all, the government has been fighting illegal businesses in the country for almost 3 years to date.

Similarly, at least 8 cars of different makes were also impounded by police during the kilimani house raid. These include a Subaru, Mercedes Benz aas well as a Toyota Land Cruiser Prado. Most noteworthy, the raid was led by Kilimani Police Station DCIO, Fatma Hadi. The unit attached to DCI stormed into the house and arrested some of the occupants.

As a result, police impounded and towed the vehicles to Kilimani Police Station in Nairobi. In contrast the raid comes exactly three days after DCI police warned those involved in the fake gold business. This is because police had issued a prior warning on such illegal businesses of an upcoming crackdown. Fake gold business in Kilimani estate Nairobi is the latest crackdown by police in May 2019. In April 2019, police impounded fake currencies in Ruiru town, Kiambu County worth 6 billion. The case is still in court despite relating to world most reputable finance institution Barclay’s bank.


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