Zenah Nakanwagi – This poem is for the man

Zenah Nakanwagi - This poem is for the man

Zenah Nakanwagi is one of the excellent and incredible Ugandan authors today. This is because she is an exceptional and outstanding poets that Uganda has had over the past decade. In this article, we shall share with you one of Zenah Nakanwagi ballad titled “This poem is for the man”. Courtesy of Ugwire Media Networks.

We decided to publish Zenah Nakanwagi’s poem in order to increase her popularity since she deserves the recognition beyond the borders. Have a look at the simple but detailed and awesome poem by Zenah Nakanwagi below.

Zenah Nakanwagi – This poem is for the man

This poem is for the man,
Who is fading away,
Into circumstantial expectations,
And manly obligations.

A man who sees the night,
And holds himself tight,
Whose worth has been stitched on his groin,
And value attached to his pockets.

This poem is for the man,
Whose heart swells,
And soul bends,
And body sweats,
But still not enough.

4th verse; This poem is for a man,
Whose fingers are bruised from digging into,
The ground looking for luck,
Who gives his whole,
But we still feel it’s not all.

This poem is for a man,
With a pained heart,
Unreachable dreams,
Unpredictable future,
But not sure how to get to the next step!

This poem is for a man,
Who has tried,
And is now tired,
But he has no shoulder to rest on,
And no one to cry to.

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LASTLY; This poem is for a man that needs a home,
That needs acceptance,
That needs a cheerleader,
That needs love,
It’s for you,
Keep moving.

In order to reach Zenah, here is her email address nakanwagizenah@gmail.com
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