Why Ugandans Shall Henceforth Be Paying Social Media Tax

Social media usage tax in Uganda
Why Ugandans Shall Henceforth Be Paying Social Media Tax

Just recently, the Museveni Administration introduced the Social Media tax in the whole country. President Yoweri Museveni termed social media use as luxury hence need to tax the online users of the platforms. The government has had some back up on this move from top government politicians whilst most social media users like students and nonstudents have been chocked by the introduction of tax leaving them unhappy.

Why Ugandans Shall Henceforth Be Paying Social Media Tax

Hon. Ismael Orot of NRM, Member of Parliament of Kumi, Kanyum County has backed the government by telling Ugandans to stop making noise since social media is not a basic need. In one of his statements, MP Ismael Orot had to say this:-
“If you do not want to pay tax, better leave Uganda or go and die, we are tired of the life of debts and borrowing money from abroad yet Ugandans are busy spending a lot of money to foreign companies that don’t even subscribe or add value to this country.”

Uganda Communication Commission Executive Director Eng. Godfrey Mutabazi this new lawndans need to understand the importance of these new law that has been introduced by the government.
Mutabazi said that the move by the government was meant to help the Uganda government collect enough revenue so as to boost its nationwide ICT sector e.g through service delivery and so on. This is what the Executive Director said:-
“The technology companies people are sympathizing with pay huge taxes to the wealthy European countries but don’t contribute anything to Pearl of Africa. If theology companies and developers are paying taxes in the in wealthy Europe and America, why not here in Uganda? Can you tell me any African country that benefits from them? Now all I want to inform you that we can’t scrap-off Social Media Tax.”


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