Natasha Conabeer Dies In Hospital After She Was Kidnapped

In the recent past, there has been a rise in weird and strange news cases of ladies being kidnapped. Natasha Conabeer, an uprising musician was recently kidnapped by unknown people for 3 weeks. In the most recent incident, Natasha Conabeer dies In Hospital after she was found just after she kidnapped. The reports were ascertained by a family friend that Natasha kicked the bucket on Monday. Rather, the friend did not disclose many details about the announcements

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Most noteworthy, Natasha went missing 3 weeks ago when she went to visit her family in Inanda. Certainly, she was anticipated by the family. In contrast, she did not arrive hence, the cause of alarm by the family. Earlier on, reports indicated that Natasha was a University of KwaZulu-Natal student however, it was confirmed that she wasn’t.

Natasha Conabeer Dies In Hospital
Natasha Conabeer Dies In Hospital After She Was Kidnapped

Ever since her disappearance, Natasha’s news was trending all over the social media platforms. According to police, Natasha was found on Sunday and later rushed to the hospital.

“She was found alive outside Mariannhill where she was dropped off by the kidnappers. She has injuries and has been taken to hospital.” Mbele said that the lawsuit of kidnapping was being investigated by KwaDabeka police.

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“From the day we were told that she was missing, everyone was out and about, spreading the word and hoping that we would find her.” said Ndlovu a church pastor.


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