Bebe Cool Reveals Eddy Kenzo Shifted From People Power to NRM

Singer Bebe Cool reveals that Eddy Kenzo Shifted From Bobi Wine’s People Power to NRM. Bebe Cool confirms Eddy Kenzo switched from People Power to NRM.

In our previous article, we shared about the clashes pressure under which Eddy Kenzo is facing from Bobi Wine’s Camp. Today, we shall enlighten you about the political stand of Singer Eddy Kenzo in Uganda. This follows after Gagamel International HR Singer Bebe Cool reveals that Eddy Kenzo shifted from People Power to NRM.

First, it seems like it has been a secret that Moses Ssali aka Bebe Cool kept for quite a long time. However, it couldn’t last forever as this has come to light. In one of the prior interviews, Bebe Cool reveals that Eddy Kenzo has switched from People Power to NRM. Certainly, this prevails to be true since both the top Uganda musicians have recently worked together.

Furthermore, it’s evident how their friendship solidifies each and every month. On the other hand, Eddy Kenzo appeared in several radio talks on the subject however, he dismissed the allegations. Below is what singer Bebe Cool revealed some times back.

“My working relationship with Eddy Kenzo started early this year when we met at his 10-year celebration music concert at Serena Hotel. In fact, we had no solid disagreements between each other and as a result, we decided not to focus on petty issues but to work as grown-up people. Eddy Kenzo’s recent meet with President Museveni and I was a confirmation that he was switching from the People Power camp crossing to NRM and this has increased our relationship as we will be working together on many other projects.”

We shall keep you posted on the same page as time goes by.


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