Age Limit Removal is Unconstitutional, Justice Kenneth Kakuru

Age limit removal is unconstitutional, says justice Kenneth Kakuru
Age Limit Removal is Unconstitutional, Justice Kenneth Kakuru

The move by the parliament to amend the constitution has raised many speculations across the nation. Despite some judges having submitted their judgments on the decision by the members of Parliament, Justice termed the ammendment as Kenneth Kakuru null and void. Among the judges who have uplifted the age limit removal are Elizabeth Musoke and Cheboriono Barishaki.

Age Limit Removal is Unconstitutional, Justice Kenneth Kakuru

Below is a statement by Justice Kenneth Kakuru on the constitution ammendment:
“I declare that the entire amendment was unconstitutional and should be declared null and void. The petitioners shall be paid costs as directed by the Deputy Chief Justice.
I have no evidence that the army and police would have come to Parliament if the MPs did not behave like that. They called it upon themselves. In my humble view, the Speaker of Parliament should have adjourned the house and denied the suspended MPs access. Members of Parliament who were manhandled are at liberty to seek redress.”


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