Petroleum Engineering universities in South Africa

Petroleum Engineering Universities in South Africa 2023

Today, we shall answer some of the important questions that the majority of you have been asking us. For example, Where can I study petroleum engineering in South Africa? Petroleum Engineering Salary in South Africa, as well as universities today.

First, Petroleum Engineering is a course that prepares a learner to become an expert in plotting and wrenching petroleum or its products. We hope that you are now familiar with the best engineering universities in South Africa.

There are several colleges in South Africa where you can study Petroleum Engineering or Mining, Oil & Gas degrees today. However, we decided to enlighten you of the top 10 best Petroleum Engineering universities in South Africa.

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University of Cape Town is the best university to study Petroleum Engineering in South Africa. The University of Johannesburg is also one of the best institutions in South Africa where you can study petroleum Engineering right now. However, we have several universities offering the same course at slightly lower tuition fees. For example, the University of Kwazulu-Natal, University of Pretoria, just to name a few.

Salary of petroleum engineers in South Africa

First, Petroleum Engineering is one of the highest paying jobs in South Africa today. This is because petroleum engineers in South Africa earn a huge salary of up to R80,000 per month. According to pay scale, petroleum engineers with 2-4 years experience earn an estimated salary of R35,000. On the other hand, those with over 5 years of experience may earn up to R 61,500 per month.

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Here is a list of the top 20 best Petroleum Engineering companies in South Africa that pay the highest salaries.

In summary, below is a list of the top 10 best universities in South Africa to study Petroleum Engineering presently.

Petroleum Engineering universities in South Africa

  1. University of Cape Town. It’s the best Petroleum Engineering university in South Africa currently.
  2. University of Johannesburg Petroleum Engineering South Africa.
  3. North West University. It’s the third best Petroleum Engineering university in South Africa right now.
  4. University of Pretoria, Petroleum Engineering courses in South Africa.
  5. The University of Kwazulu-Natal.
  6. Vaal University of Technology.
  7. University of Stellenbosch.
  8. University of the Witswatersrand.
  9. Cape Peninsula University of Technology. And finally,
  10. Johannesburg Institute of Engineering and Technology.

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