Top 10 Best Radio Stations in Uganda 2022 Rankings

Most listened to Radio Station in Uganda 2022 rankings

Top 10 Best and Most Listened to Radio Stations In Uganda 2022 Rankings.

In our previous post, we covered the most-watched TV Station in Uganda from 2021 to 2022. Today, we shall list the top 10 best and most listened to radio stations in Uganda 2022 and their rankings.

First of all, most of our visitors have been asking us What is the best radio station in Uganda? Before the end of this post, we shall have educated you on the best radio stations in Uganda for the year 2022.

Early this year, GeoPoll released a report about the most famous and prominent media channels. However, we as ugwire media have the latest statistical data on the findings of the top radio station (stations) rankings in Uganda for 2022.

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Our report compilation focused on the most outstanding morning and evening radio shows in Uganda. This is in consideration of the programs aired both in English as well as the Luganda language. The scope of the findings was about the interests of most advertisers who opted to procure customers during these hours. This is because radio stations in Uganda have the most listeners in the morning (6-9 am) and evening (4-8 pm) hours.

In summary, below are the rankings of the most Listened to Radio Station or stations in Uganda for the year 2022.

Most Listened to Radio Station in Uganda 2022

Top Uganda Radio English morning programmes:
1. Capital FM, Morning Crew, 2.8 rating,
2. Radio One, Great Morning, 2.6 rating,
3. KFM, D’Mighty Breakfast, 2.0 rating,
4. Galaxy FM, Morning saga, 1.7 rating, and
5. Sanyu FM, Sanyu Breakfast. 1.4 rating.

Top Luganda morning Radio programmes:
1. CBS FM, Luganda Breakfast Show, 5.5 ratings,
2. Radio Simba, Binsanga wano, 3.5 ratings,
3. Beat FM, Sisimuka Show, 2.0 rating, and,
4. Bukedde FM, Bukedde Butya, 1.6 ratings.

Most Popular Radio Luganda evening programmes:
1. Bukedde FM, Washing Bay programme,
2. Beat FM, Gigenze Gitya,
3. Radio Simba, Mukulikeyo,
4. CBS’ Sanyuka, The Heart Beat, and,
5. Super FM, Kasenda Bazaana.

Top English evening Radio programmes:
1. Capital FM, Drive Show.
2. Galaxy FM, Evening Rush.
3. Sanyu FM, The Drive radio Program.
4. KFM, K-Drive Radio Show, and,
5. Radio One, Drive Time Show.

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Top 10 Best Radio Stations in Uganda 2022 Rankings

Again, after our recap above, we developed a list of the top 10 best radio stations in Uganda for the year 2022, rankings. Certainly, the radio ratings in Uganda from 2021 to 2022 comprised several FM portals we outlined above. Have a look at the latest radio station rankings in Uganda for 2022 below.

  1. Capital FM Uganda,
  2. Galaxy FM,
  3. CBS FM,
  4. NBS FM,
  5. Dembe FM,
  6. Bukedde FM,
  7. Radio Simba,
  8. Beat FM,
  9. K-FM,
  10. Radio One FM, and finally
  11. Sanyu FM.

Finally, here are the most-watched TV Station Shows in Uganda in 2022.


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