Top 10 High CPC Keywords in Dubai 2023: PDF

Dubai is one of the most developed cities in the Middle East region of the world. This is because of the increased demand for business setup spaces, tourism, and many other schemes. As such, digital marketing CPC Keywords by Google AdSense in Dubai are treasured since they pay high. Today, we shall list the top 10 high CPC keywords in Dubai in the year 2023 (PDF).

High CPC Keywords in Dubai

Business Services is currently the highest or high CPC Keyword in Dubai 2023. Other high CPC Keywords in Dubai from the year 2022 to 2023 include Tourism, Asset Management, Healthcare, and Bail Bonds.

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Before we jump to the list of the high-paying CPC Keywords in Dubai, we hope that you read our previous post. If not, here are the best paying Google AdSense CPC countries in the world in 2023.

To sum up, below is a PDF list of the top 10 high CPC Keywords in Dubai for the current year.

Top 10 High CPC Keywords in Dubai 2023

  1. Business Services – CPC $58.64. It’s the top in the list of the 10 high CPC Keywords in Dubai from 2022 to 2023.
  2. Ransom Bonds – $58.15. It’s the 2nd high CPC keyword in Dubai in 2023.
  3. Tourism – $56.19.
  4. Casino – $55.49.
  5. Attorney – $54.17.
  6. Property Management – $49.62.
  7. Insurance – $48.33.
  8. Cash Services & Loans – $48.10.
  9. Cleaning, Movers, and Restoration Services – $47.59. And finally,
  10. Healthcare and Medical Service Centers – $45.00.
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Last but not least, other high CPC Keywords in Dubai in 2023 include Hotels and Resorts, Forex Exchange, Bitcoin, and Cryptocurrency. These CPC Keywords also pay very well especially when you consider using them well and properly along with your website content.

Lastly, here are the top 10 high (Google AdSense) CPC Keywords in the world in 2023. Undoubtedly, this is a definitive guide that will aid you in making money from your website for now and in the future.


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