Man Hacks Ex-wife Using a Panga VIDEO-CLIP

First of all, the cases of couples engaging in brutal battles have been on the rise. With the recent one, police are hunting for a man, Joseph Chuniwa chunga, who assaulted his ex-wife with a panga. The incident happened at about 9:00am in Nyundo Village. The incident occurred on 28th April, 2019 at about 09:00 hrs at Nyundo village in the area of Traditional Authority Msakambewa in the district. (Man Hacks Ex-wife Using a Panga)

According to Dowa police station’s publicist Richard Mwakayoka Kaponda, the two were married some years ago. However, due to some family and domestic problems, the couple divorced three months ago.
As a result, the woman got married to another man, said Police publicist Mr Richard Kaponda. However, this did not go well with the suspect who on the material day and time, followed the victim. As a result, he hacked the victim twice on the arm before running away from the scene. The woman was left bleeding and hailing for help from people who were within the vicinity.

Police visited the scene of the incident but the suspect had escaped. The victim was rushed to Dowa District Hospital for medical treatment. Later, she was referred to Kamuzu Central Hospital for further medical attention. (Man Hacks Ex-wife Using a Panga)


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